Resolve Marine Haiti Relief Efforts Underway
on January 19, 2010
+1 954 764 8700 / + 1 954 257 2868

MIAMI, January 19, 2010 – Resolve Marine salvage tug Resolve Pioneer and crane barge RMG-300 carrying a team of salvage technicians, equipment and humanitarian supplies departed for Haiti early this morning. Resolve is prepared to provide services to reopen Port-au-Prince including underwater survey, wreckage removal, cargo unloading and any other assistance that may be required. The team is scheduled to arrive later this week. “We are eager to get there and help. After seeing the images of destruction and the desperation on the faces of the people on the news we knew we had to do something,” said CEO Joseph E. Farrell while supervising the load out in Port Everglades, Florida. In addition to crews, specialized equipment, and support materials, Resolve is carrying aid supplies on behalf of Food for the Poor and Agape to the devastated city. Resolve is looking to help clear berthing areas for cargo shipments arriving at the main seaport in Haiti. Ships containing food and medical supplies have been forced to dock elsewhere due to the damage left by the earthquake. Reopening the central port facilities should improve logistics. Resolve has had frontline experience operating in emergency situations including the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina and the Value Jet 592 recovery effort. Resolve Marine Group Inc. provides emergency response around the world to vessels in distress. The Marine Services division specializes inconstruction, harbor clearance, remediation of environmental damages and the restoration of biological diversity. For more information, please visit