Resolve Marine Group Specialists Respond to an Implosion on a Ship Anchored South of the Verrazano Bridge
on October 26, 2010

MIAMI- A concerted response by technical experts from US Coast Guard (USCG), New York City Fire Department (FDNY) and Resolve Salvage & Fire (Americas), Inc. averted the risk of a toxic material release from a chemical carrier anchored in Gravesend Bay near Brooklyn last week.The 135 -meter chemical parcel tanker Sichem Defiance experienced a cargo tank rupture while loading ethanol at Gravesend Bay anchorage in New York Harbor, creating a volatile situation involving highly flammable cargo. The rupture involved significant structural damage to the deck and cargo tank boundaries as well as ethanol transfer into numerous ballast tanks that were not designed to contain flammable cargo. The breached deck also enabled flow of ethanol vapors onto the deck of the tanker, creating a very hazardous and flammable environment, with a high risk of explosion.RESOLVE managed the sensitive operation by first conducting temporary repairs to seal the deck openings and control the flow of vapors from the affected tanks. A plan was then developed to transfer cargo away from affected/damaged tanks in order to gain access to the damage for thorough inspection. This included internal transfers using the ship's pumps as well as over the top transfers of ethanol using RESOLVE’s portable hydraulic chemical transfer pumps. RESOLVE assisted in engineering the detailed transfer sequence to minimize hull stresses in way of the damaged section. Throughout the job, RESOLVE staff conducted continuous air monitoring throughout the vessel and maintained firefighting equipment at the ready, in coordination with the New York Fire Department.
Resolve Marine Group Inc. provides emergency response around the world to vessels in distress. RESOLVE Salvage and Fire (Americas)Inc. specializes in Emergency Lightering, Firefighting, Vessel Response Plan Assistance, and OPA 90 Salvage & Marine Firefighting coverage. For more information, please visit